You are currently browsing the monthly archive for April 2009.

Happy Earth Day everyone! FFee would like to encourage you to do something little for our planet today. Recycle something you normally wouldn’t, turn off your lights for one hour, walk to work, bring your own bag to the grocery store. Bottom line, do something nice for your planet! 🙂


Well it might not be every friday, but today is Friday and here is another free iphone wallpaper from ffee 🙂 enjoy
Click here to download the iphone wallpaper.

HAHA ok we are a little bit late, but better late than never right 🙂 We had a blast with all the family and got to eat and eat and eat… Did I mention we got to eat. The holiday was great and now it’s time to get some much needed work done.


After sitting and staring at a computer screen all day long sometimes it’s hard to come up with the next best design, so we would like to share with you one of our inspiring techniques to get those creative juices flowing. It’s really quite simple, we just take a random photo and incorporate some sort of animated illustration to boost up the cuteness or turn it into something funny. Sometimes just creating something for fun, something that doesn’t really have any purpose, will give you that inspirational idea that will turn into something awesome. Give it a try 🙂


It’s been a little bit longer than usual from our last blog post. We have been so engulfed with a new project that has put everything on standby. This time it doesn’t have anything to do with shirts. We started a new home remodeling project, so we still get to pour out our creativity, but it’s a little bit different than paper. We are almost done so it won’t be long before some new ffee hits the site 🙂


ffee home site

ffee skate decks at deckpeck

ffee skate decks at deckpeck

April 2009