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Well it seems that lately there has been alot more coffee inspired art coming out of us these days. So here is another little one. This is FFeetuki, he may look normal, but once he gets that brown juice flowing through his veins he turns into a totally different being. Trashing hotel rooms, running from the police. I know looking at him you would not expect that. So after numerous interventions and near death experiences. He has finally taken upon himself to join coffeeholics anonymous. I know the road will be hard, may the force be with you.

Well here is a little illustration of how it feels first thing in the morning when all that is important is that wonderful cup of coffee. Im sure there are many of you out there that feel the same way 🙂

We have stumbled across a very cool store right in our own area. Its called the Pink Ghost. You can find so many things there from some cool artists, as well as a huge selection of vinyl and plush toys. They also put on events every month that we are sure to go and check out, it looks like tons of fun. Check them out.

We recently got a email from a few FFee supporters, they sent a picture which you can see below. Their names are not important ( Jean on top, Juan in the middle, and Pitu on the right ). They always find themselves getting into trouble, and would like some help. Maybe they feel self conscious because of the lack of eyes, or large bones sticking out of their head, or because they are very very small. Good or Bad we like everyone, and would like to give a hand.  So please leave your comments about these guys to make them feel better, it might change their life around.

This weekend we ran into an old friend that we have not seen in awhile. He was stoked to see how FFee has grown and he picked up a few of our not yet released shirts ( it pays to know someone on the inside ) and invited us to a night of Guitar Hero. It was a blast and at the end I just wanted to keep the guitar for the cool design.

Here is a shirt that is going to be released in the near future. We can’t tell you when, but look for it soon. The design has a three color paint splatter underneath a black sketch outline, it reminds us of how we used to paint in coloring books when we were kids. We never liked to stay in the lines!

We decided to take a trip to our nearby Whole Foods to get some healthy lunch. We noticed a drink that we have never seen before: Sambazon. We were introduced to Acai back in the day by one of our good Brazilian friends Bruno, before it has exploded in today’s market, so we are familiar with the great fruit. After putting down one of these we were surprised by the goodness that this little bottle packs in it. Mind you, the flavor taste’s healthy, so all looking for juicy juice beware. We brought some back to ffee and after checking out their website, we noticed a lot of familiar pro Skateboard, Surfing faces. HAHA all this sounds like we are reps or something, but all we know is that we feel great for less than the price of one gallon of gas 🙂 . So if you are in the mood for something to give you that extra boost, other than the all mighty coffee, check it out.

Today when we were picking up our morning coffee we found out that today is a special day. It is the birthday of one of our favorite coffee stops 7 11. So to celebrate that day there were free slurpee’s , we had to pick up a couple. It was a great little surprise.

It always helps to setup deadlines to actually get things done on time. So today we setup a deadline for the release of the new site. We can’t tell you when, but it is going to be soon. We were stoked to have a good friend give us some of the magical liquid you see below, comparable to coffee, but not quite as good 🙂 . I am sure that it will help big time in the production of the new site. Be sure to keep checking back or sign up for the newsletter, because we have a small contest in mind for the release of the new site.

The fourth of july was a blast despite the stormy summer florida weather. Who needs to eat hotdogs or hamburgers when you can have some jerk chicken and rice? Not to traditional, but neither were the food carts at the celebration, so who cares. There would have been some fireworks photos if we were not sitting under umbrellas at the beach in the rain during the show. Even with the rain it turned out great.

ffee home site

ffee skate decks at deckpeck

ffee skate decks at deckpeck

July 2008